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Mindless, Hypocritical Moralizing


Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 10:48 PM, Gayatri Salunke wrote:

GayatriWow, okay since this is becoming really serious. I will say a few things here. I care and hence this email.

I think it is unfair to blame any one person all the time and hold one person responsible for what is going on.

… I agree with Matthew and think these are petty squabbles and best stopped by being reasonable.

Why not agree to disagree and let go and make peace?


 Mon, July 4, 2011 at 10:41, Gayatri Salunke wrote:

Okay guys, I think it is not fair to attack any one person from our group. We are all humans here and we all make mistakes. The best way to get over situations like these is by being reasonable. I think both parties involved can learn a little something from what happened. Instead of taking sides and hurling accusations at people, how about both Gloria and Keith resolve this issue between themselves? They are not babies and do not need to be defended! No one is a victim here and for crying out loud STOP WHINING!


Gloria banned Keith from his social group. Is no one a victim? How can the issue be resolved fairly between them when there is a power imbalance and no empathy? Stop whining. Good idea, Gayatri. Why don’t you start?

The phony apology


From an article about emotional
manipulators by Fiona McColl:

“. . . don’t capitulate! Do not care take—do not accept an apology that feels like bullshit. If it feels like bullshit—it probably is. Rule number one—if dealing with an emotional blackmailer TRUST your gut. TRUST your senses. Once an emotional manipulator finds a successful maneuver—it’s added to their hit list and you’ll be fed a steady diet of this shit.”