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Moral Superiority


“Huh?  I’ve never heard an atheist unafraid to criticize a
sufficiently bad moral error in another person or group.”

To: Bob Seidensticker

We saw on your blog that you claim to have plenty of morality (whatever that means) and that your type of morality is superior (to some other type?). Those are remarkable claims coming from someone with a record of dishonesty and malevolence without reason, remorse, or responsibility. If anything, it must be your public persona that is morally superior because I am familiar with the real Bob Seidensticker, the one your family knows, and he most definitely is not. I clearly remember you stating that the one who makes a claim shoulders the burden of proof. Since I strongly reject your claims of moral superiority, I expect you will abide by your stated policy, just as you demand of others ad nauseam, and present supporting evidence to your claim. Therewith, I presume that the rules that apply to yourself will also apply to me. In your own words; “If the evidence you provide isn’t compelling, I’m logically obliged to reject your claim.”

The evasion tactics you use to annoy your victims and to avoid accountability have been interesting to observe. You have quite a repertoire at your fingertips and you pull your tricks with such ease, it wouldn’t surprise me if you have had 50 or so years of practice. Your deception and manipulation skills probably make you feel smarter than your victims, and maybe you are; but moral? Absolutely not. Morality requires a conscience. The evidence I have drives me to the tentative conclusion that you don’t have one. However, I keep an open mind and if you have any compelling evidence to counter with, I would be delighted to examine it.

You have not responded to my previous email. Presumably, you are still employing an avoidance strategy that you recommend; “Just pretend it didn’t happen and get on with life. Maybe no one will notice.” as you say, and stonewalling; an avoidance tactic that is also considered abuse. Without any indication from you, I cannot be certain that you have received this email. Fortunately, there are a variety of other possible routes.

I will continue to remind you that it did happen and that I have not forgotten.